Inter BEE 2024

Pre-registration for this year's visit has not been completed or the login expiration date has expired.

Click here to pre-register for the 2024 visit. Click here if you have already pre-registered for the 2024 visit.

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Press Coverage Guide

Press Registration

Members of the press visiting the Makuhari Messe venue can register at the Press Registration Counter on the 2nd floor of Hall 5 at Makuhari Messe and enter the venue. You will be asked to present two business cards at the time of registration.

If you are participating online, please pre-register here. After registration, please enter the venue via the official website.

Press Room

Inter BEE will set up a press room for those who come to cover the exhibition.
It will be fully equipped with press releases and press kits from exhibitors, workspace with internet, meeting areas, and so on.

Period November 13(Wed) -15(Fri.)
Time 9:15AM - 6:00PM (※Last day is closed at 5:00PM)
Venue 2F, Exhibition Hall 5, Makuhari Messe