Inter BEE 2010: Ikegami Tsushinki exhibits the iSTEP+ and others under the theme "Seamless FileBase Workflow".
2010.11.19 UP

Ikegami Tsushinki (Booth 8312) is exhibiting a variety of HD-TV equipment in addition to its GF Series filebase system and iSTEP+ total filebase solution with the theme of "Seamless FileBase Workflow".
With the iSTEP+, the systems in a station are connected in a network centering on the Asset Gateway Server, which manages program and material information, and the Editing and Material Server, which records actual data. This network offers efficient filebase workflows.
With the GF Series, Ikegami is introducing filebase applications that support news production, drama production, and other production sites with high picture quality and advanced functions.
The GF Cam filebase recording system records on and plays back from flash memory. Cameras can be operated the same as conventionally and at the same time recorded as files and driven directly from PCs. Therefore, they can be utilized seamlessly with non-linear editing machines or data transmission servers.
Ikegami has shipped over 500 of its GFCAM HDS-V10 tape-less cameras. It also has a full lineup with a wealth of peripheral systems, such as the GF Station GFS-V10 flash memory recorder, GF Station Portable GFS-P10 portable type flash memory recorder, and the GF Player GFS-V10PL portable flash memory dedicated player. Ikegami will work on further expanding the formats supported and peripheral applications.