Shinki: Codex Portable 4k Compatible Disk Recorder/InterBEE2008

2008.11.20 UP

Shinki exhibited the Codex Portable from the UKs Codex Digital.
It is used to record video data from high resolution cameras such as 2K, 4K, and HD and to then efficiently transfer data to post operations.
The main feature of this product is its ability to support 4K data. It can also output raw data from the Dalsa 4K camera in raw format.
It has a look-up table, so the data can be transferred with the look-up table when you transfer data for processing on the host side.
Also, when you preview video recorded as raw data, you can use the unique look-up table to preview the correct footage. This product can even be used on site to review video footage.
Product development is not quite completed, so you can't buy one right now.