InterBEE REVIEW2012 (EN)

39Inter BEE is a vital point of contact with customers■Tell us about the role of the Inter BEE exhibition“NAB in spring and Inter BEE in the fall make up a dual cycle of major exhibitions. Inter BEE, in particular, is the largest broadcasting equipment exhibition in Japan and we consider it to be a vital point of contact with customers. While we have the opportu-nity to make contact with customers in our daily sales activities, chances to deal with customers from various occupations at the same time are rare. In this sense, Inter BEE plays a significant role.”■What requests and hopes do you have for Inter BEE?“We want to see and study other company trends, such as exhibition content, display method and booth layout, but we can never leave our booth for the entire exhibition period. It would be great, for example, if InterBEE could provide at least 1 hour prior to opening the exhibition on the first day for us to visit other booths.”“It would also help if InterBEE could be held at a slightly earlier period. The reason being is that some customers make up their budgets a little earlier than Inter BEE. If the exhibi-tion started earlier, exhibition content could de designed to appeal to companies’ compiling their budget for the next financial year.” ■Who were the main visitors to your booth?“Previously most visitors were from broadcasting stations, but the number of visitors from the movie and CM industries has increased over the last few years. Customer needs are changing and they don’t really discriminate between equipment for movie and TV uses any more. A cause of this may be a growing support for high picture quality. There has been a move toward an emphasis on the true performance and potential of equipment”.“Including a drive unit in PL lenses is achieved by adding a broadcasting lens accessory to movie lenses, which is a sign of the advancing fusion between these two lenses. Irrespective of occupation type, customers requiring high picture quality and ease-of-use are increasing, so we believe that realizing such needs is our responsibility as a manufacturer.”


