InterBEE REVIEW2012 (EN)

“Video Technology Exchange Meeting” where video production professionals from various disciplines get togetherCommunity problem-solving in the middle of a digital technology revolutionInter BEE Review 2012 Topics Guest Interview522■Information-exchange taking in a wide variety of opinionsAs a trial initiative at Inter BEE 2012, a rest area with a “Technology Exchange Café” was provided for the first time for the “Video Technology Exchange Meeting”.The “Video Technology Exchange Meeting” is a gathering of video production professionals exchanging experiences and knowledge gained on-the-job in relation to rapidly progressing and changing video production technology. It has over 60 members. Since it was established last year there have been six meetings. In addition, proposing ideas for themes and exchanging information in real-time is carried out energeti-cally via SNS. The main themes handled previously include 4K, Thunderbolt, and Color Correction. Information-exchange and review meetings have been held on specific products. There is a wide variety of participants including post-production editors and colorists, filming and lighting engineers, and CG and VFX artists. A characteristic of this meeting is that it differs to private showings held by manufacturers or user groups for specific tools because users with diverse views get together to exchange a wide variety of opinions.One of the founding members of the ‘Video Technology Exchange Meeting’, Mr. Shinichi Ishikawa, a MotionWorks VFX Artist, says “it was established to promote a closer relationship between filming location and post-production professionals”. Communication is actively carried through SNS and there was apparently a gathering of approximately 20 people in July 2011, when the first Video Technology Exchange Meeting was held.Mr. Ishikawa says, “it has become a very beneficial meeting to raise everyday technical problems and devise solutions with everyone. Up to now there have been about six meetings. The aim is to provide an opportunity for everyone to speak freely and to spark action among the members.”■“Period of closed information is over”One of the meeting’s founding members is Mr. Masaru Suzuki, who is a director of the systems department at Shirogumi and built the SNS with Cybozu. Mr. Suzuki is in charge of system surroundings such as facility and license management and he currently conducts total system manage-ment of a range of workflows from filming to finishing.Mr. Suzuki says, “the aim of the Video Technology Exchange Meeting is to solve problems by everyone exchanging opinions, whether they be CG production or post-production, and build high-quality and lean overall workflows by combing our strengths. Each has their own specialized role and we collabo-rate by bringing these points together. The period of closed information is over. There is no longer anything to prevent information being shared.”The SNS site is extremely active. It has a variety of catego-ries relating to technology and each has lots of posts. He says, “when a question is posted, there is always a surprisingly large response. It is kind of like a font of ideas. There are often new discoveries, such as other creators knowing things that I thought that only I knew or the large amount of methods that I don’t know. We should share information for mutual improve-ment. I think that pooling everyone’s opinions and incorporat-


