InterBEE REVIEW2011 (EN)

we call FASTROAD. I believe that part-nership with NHK-STRL and the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) could be incorporated into the FAS-TROAD mechanism. To date, NAB has played a very large role in efforts towards the standardization of digital broadcasting. We will also continue to play a leading role in the development of standards for television of the next generation, and we hope to create standards that incorporate new tech-nologies that have been devised and created in Japan.” Because of his position as the top of a global broadcasting association, Mr. Smith is well placed to survey the global status of the broadcasting industry. In addition to technical aspects, such as unified standards for broadcasting of the next generation, another “important challenge for the broadcasting industry” is the need for a “broadcasting business model.” “Around the world the move towards digital broadcasting continues to advance and at the same time, the spread of mobile broadband internet means that anyone can watch or listen to streamed images and broadcasts wherever and whenever they like. We have now come to a point where we need to recreate a full-fledged business model to respond to this situation.” In the U.S. too, consumer prefer-ences are moving towards mobile technologies and by the beginning of 2012 it is expected that two-thirds of all household in the U.S. will be in areas with mobile coverage. As smart phones and mobile terminals are increasingly functioning as television screens, at the same time it is becom-ing possible for viewers and listeners to approach contents actively. Says Mr. Smith, “An important challenge that has emerged is what services we provide to viewers with different styles of accessing broadcasts.” Mr. Smith adds the following as a conclusion: “The activities of the Japanese broadcasting stations in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake have made us recognize the importance of broadcasting in times of an emergency. Broadcasting is a medium with tremendously high value when you consider that even if lifelines are cut, broadcasting can still provide information quickly to many people. I believe that there are hints for a new style of broadcasting to be gained from the disaster, including the use of the internet.” “However, along with the impor-tance of technology, the great sense of responsibility possessed by people engaged in broadcasting is also impor-tant. As long as this sense of responsibil-ity lasts, even if technologies advance and business structures change, what will remain unchanged is the impor-tance of broadcasting. That is what I felt when viewing the coverage of the earth-quake and tsunami disaster in Japan.”“Hints for a new style of broadcasting is found in the coverage of the earthquake and tsunami disaster”09


