InterBEE REVIEW2011 (EN)

07 Gordon Smith was appointed president of NAB in November 2009 and therefore at the time of his visit to Japan he had just completed his second year in office. He served as a U.S. Senator for two terms from 1996 to 2008, during which he was a member of the Commerce Committee, involved in drafting laws related to the industrial sector. He also served as chair of the Senate High Tech Task Force, and was known for knowing a lot on the cutting edge of information and communications technologies. Regarding the reason for his visit to Japan, Mr. Smith says, “On behalf of the broadcasting industry of the United States, I wanted to express my sympa-thies to all my colleagues in the broad-casting industry in Japan, who were afflicted by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and to express my respect to all the broadcasters who so bravely engaged in press coverage even in the midst of such a disaster.” When he took the podium, he began by expressing his condolences to the victims of the disaster and also gave generous and warm-hearted praise to the broadcast-ers of Japan, stating his “…admiration for the bravery of the broadcasting and press organizations of Japan, who provided vital lifeline and survival information, even in the midst of catastrophic damage.” Additionally, Mr. Smith stated that, “When you consider the role of broadcasting in such times of disaster and emergency, it is vital to have advanced and stable technical capabilities.” Mr. Smith praised the technological capabilities in Japan and also emphasized the necessity for further technological innovation in the future.


